Under Your Spell
I feel like a prisoner
who's waiting for something else
and I don't know why...
My soul is wondering
in this endless mist
pursuing the sweetest lie
I was sleeping and now
I feel my dreams
as the worst of nightmares
And you can't hold me
'cause I'm no more
under your spell
I'm torn
for the memory of years
spent in vain
and I don't know why...
You broke my hearth
where I couldn't protect myself
pursuing the sweetest lie
I was sleeping and now
I feel my dreams
as the worst of nightmares
And you can't hold me
'cause I'm no more
under your spell
Now I'm free
from being who
you wished, right now
and I don't know why...
'cause now
I've understood
that you were
my favourite euthanasia
pursuing the sweetest lie
I was sleeping and now
I feel my dreams
as the worst of nightmares
And you can't hold me
'cause I'm no more
under your spell
under your spell
under your spell
under your spell...
who's waiting for something else
and I don't know why...
My soul is wondering
in this endless mist
pursuing the sweetest lie
I was sleeping and now
I feel my dreams
as the worst of nightmares
And you can't hold me
'cause I'm no more
under your spell
I'm torn
for the memory of years
spent in vain
and I don't know why...
You broke my hearth
where I couldn't protect myself
pursuing the sweetest lie
I was sleeping and now
I feel my dreams
as the worst of nightmares
And you can't hold me
'cause I'm no more
under your spell
Now I'm free
from being who
you wished, right now
and I don't know why...
'cause now
I've understood
that you were
my favourite euthanasia
pursuing the sweetest lie
I was sleeping and now
I feel my dreams
as the worst of nightmares
And you can't hold me
'cause I'm no more
under your spell
under your spell
under your spell
under your spell...

7 commenti:
quello è marzio???^^
si in effetti c'assomiglio un po^^'
cmq.. quanto tempo per scrivere ste 4 strofe e sto ritornello..
Se intendi di scriverle sul computer allora ti rispondo solo con "senti chi parla?" se intendi invece il tempo che abbiamo impiegato a comporre la canzone allora sono pienamente d'accordo (eheheh:D).
Per quanto riguarda l'immagine, sì ha una certa somiglianza, ma quello che voleva simboleggiare era più los tato emotivo in cui fu scritto.
ah lo stato emotivo?
e quale era???
Io sento come un senso di abbandono quando la ascolto. Magari a te fa provare qualcos'altro: malinconia, felicità, ironia... non per forza la tua sensazione deve coincidere con la mia
madò co sti commenti la tristezza te arriva proprio alle ossa eh...
si me devo ammazzà me compro na calibro 38 no??
-.- rick nn vorrei contraddirti, ma.. sta song l'abbiamo scritta io e matteo.. a valdolmo quando tu ci hai pisciati non si sa per quale motivo^^ (questo il testo..) e io gli accordi..
cmq che ogniuno ci ha messo del suo, ma inevitabilmente ogniuno la percepisce diversamente..
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